Cracks In The Shell 2011
Plot Synopsis
"You're invisible!" Can there be a worse judgment for an actress? Young Josephine definitely lacks self-confidence but when renowned director Kaspar Friedmann appears at the acting school and casts Josephine for her first main role, nobody understands his motivation, least of all Josephine herself. The character to play is "Camille", quite different to herself but Josephine wants to come as close as possible. As Camille, she awakens to her femininity, but loses her own strengths in dealing with her everyday life because Camille is not only self-conscious and sexually hyperactive but at the same time fragile and self-destructive. Josephine puts herself into the hands of a director, who sends her on an emotional roller coaster ride. A dangerous game is set off, bound to turn Josephine into her own worst enemy...
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